Friday, September 27, 2013


So, was just thinking again about memories..........................
I really wish I had more, and better ones.  I try and think of some warm and fuzzy things that happened as a kid and I just cant.

I remember when I got bit by a dog when I was 5.  I was playing on the porch of a laundry-mat with a whistle.  There was a dog that was always there. A golden retriever.  I know I blew that whistle in the dogs ear. I can see myself doing this in my mind.  The dog snapped and bit me...right in the eye.  Mom came out screaming and yelling. Now as a mother I cant even grasp what she thought. I'm sure I was covered in blood all over my face.  I remember her flagging down a passing car, that took us to the hospital.

That's the last I recall until little snippets of hospitals and home care.

I remember after a surgery being in my cousins bed all snuggled up and her bringing me snowball. You remember those? Coconut covered puff stuff.  Loved those :)

I remember playing slug-bug with my mom outside the hospital after one trip. I loved that game and really never got much play form mom so I remember that one intensely.

I remember I had a teddy bear. I named him Dominick. The nurses took him and put a patch on his eye just like mine. I carried that damn bear everywhere with me.

I will keep trying to get some memories, some good ones.  I'm sure there are some in there. There has to be......

Those are a few I can recall, I do remember those being good.  I wish I could remember something a bit more substantial though.

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